ribbony river

from the plane. alaska is so wild and interesting. there are some more pics over on flickr if you’d like to look – including one of mt. mckinley from the airplane. pretty spectacular.

overall, a good time was had. i gained five pounds (no exercise, plus ben’s mom’s cooking and chocolate lying around the house equals…). but mostly, i’m going to be a while in adjusting from staying up until 1,2, or 3 am and ben’s going to have a hard time adjusting from staying up until 3,5, or 7 am. that’s what happens when twilight doesn’t come until midnight. if i’ve the energy, i’ll tell you about some great yarn i got tomorrow. if not, you’ll have to wait a bit longer. it may not be jet lag (1 hr difference) but the time lag is coming down hard.  i’m going to bed.

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