open house – SALE!!

hi fibery friends,
i am writing to let any of you in the pittsburgh area know that i am closing out my yarn lines. i am not planning to stop dyeing, but i think there will be little to none for the next 3 years. my husband is entering a full time doctorate program as well as continuing to work and i believe it will take all of my energy to feed and take care of the littles, along with work on Indie Knit and Spin and designing.

note: this is a pretty pic, not a pic of the yarn i have left

and so with that in mind, i am selling the yarn that i have left at $10 a skein (usually $16) and am offering it up to pgh folks first. if you are interested in coming shopping or want to know if i have any yarn of a particular weight/color, send me an email at cosymakes(!at)gmail(dot!)com. i have a pretty flexible schedule for folks who want to come look.


p.s. if you are not in pgh and really really want some yarn, i’ll listen to your pleas at that email too ;)

rainbow chard

update here in the shop. plus 2 fingerings i missed last time.

next up: snapdragon sport

and more yarn…

snapdragon worsted and hand dyed lamb’s pride bulky

and i have been knitting! i’ll try to update you on that some time soon ;)