a new purpose

when i started this blog back in january 2007, the purpose of this blog was for me to dig deep into knitting… and to document my thesis.  i read knitting history books and wanted to talk about the angora fad, argyle sock knitting, and the hat they found in a bog and how old it might be.

in the beginning, i only knew how to post one picture per post.  that is kind of hilarious.  i totally learned everything one thing at a time.

while finishing my thesis i spent my time working on my book. here’s an early peek.  i avidly bought and recycled thrift store sweaters.  i taught others to do the same.

there was the time my book was published and you all stepped up to preorder copies so i wouldn’t have to get a real job!  that was amazing.

or the time i knit for that one movie!  and that one actor!

and i did this stuff full time and blogged every few days, if not every other.  that was a really freaking great job, talking to you all every day and sharing the fiber arts love.

i made hats!  by the gagillions.  people still see them in the wild and tell me about them. i love that.  i did craft fairs and yarn shows.  including some big ones.

i went to SOAR on scholarship and shared all my knowledge here. perhaps a bit much, but post after post after post of my new and exciting spinning knowledge.  and you all agreed to have a conversation with me.

then i dyed yarn and fiber.  i started a farm wool fiber club – so fun!  i started a few yarn lines… it all began with a small batch of rainbow chard and grew from there.

i became a somewhat serious designer.

i started a local indie yarn show! (what?  how did that happen?)

and i had not one, but two babies!  and now, with life catching up with me… i need to focus.  but i thought in the meantime i’d thank you for being here with me.  especially if you’ve been here from the beginning, because that is a crazy long time to be my internet friend.  thank you for having the conversation.  thank you for sharing fiber love.  thank you for buying stuff from me, for test knitting for me, and for all around good times.

that said, this blog is going to not have much activity on it for the foreseeable future.  when i publish patterns they will be posted here.  this might just be a pattern site from here on out.  if you’re not too averse to lots of baby/child related posts for our family who lives far away, you can friend me on facebook (Cosette Cornelius-Bates).

xoxo and happy woolie trails,

this is the first picture of me that appeared on this blog
hand dyed traditional mittens - modeled

multicolored vest

i’m very slowly finishing up vests and sweaters for this winter for the boys. this is w’s.

actual color is probably somewhere in between the two pics. and, no, i have no idea what that yarn is. some small batch farm or mill yarn that randomly alternates color. that helps you a lot, eh?  size 12 months because he’s almost 6 months now!  crazy.

open house – SALE!!

hi fibery friends,
i am writing to let any of you in the pittsburgh area know that i am closing out my yarn lines. i am not planning to stop dyeing, but i think there will be little to none for the next 3 years. my husband is entering a full time doctorate program as well as continuing to work and i believe it will take all of my energy to feed and take care of the littles, along with work on Indie Knit and Spin and designing.

note: this is a pretty pic, not a pic of the yarn i have left

and so with that in mind, i am selling the yarn that i have left at $10 a skein (usually $16) and am offering it up to pgh folks first. if you are interested in coming shopping or want to know if i have any yarn of a particular weight/color, send me an email at cosymakes(!at)gmail(dot!)com. i have a pretty flexible schedule for folks who want to come look.


p.s. if you are not in pgh and really really want some yarn, i’ll listen to your pleas at that email too ;)

m’s winter sweater

4T!!  he’s getting so big.

anyhow, vacation knitting. i’ve convinced my mom to make him a sweater too so he will have two next winter.
photo 1
he likes blue quite a bit. the blue is bfl i dyed, the yellowy green is rainbow chard and the other two are random stash yarns. i sewed in all the ends, but didn’t graft the underarms… and i want to try it on him one more time before i commit to that neck.

i’ve pretty much finished a sweater for w too, just haven’t found the right buttons.

birth month pattern sale!!

as of today, we have officially entered birth month for this second beanling. we’ll see when he decides to show… but in the meantime, have 40% off all of my independently published patterns. that means that most of my patterns are $3 instead of $5, and there’s no limit as to how many you can buy!

browse here! the 40% off will be given automatically at checkout.

tiny circles

i’ve never done a swap over ravelry before and this one was made up for my swap partner in the due in April 2014 group.  we had to include a finished knit of some sort.  swapping is so fun!
tiny circles
i could not have been better matched, than with this fabulous fiber artista. she loves wool, doesn’t use superwash, and didn’t find out if it was a boy or a girl but was vaguely using this color scheme for the babe’s room.  i made it 12 month size, since i figured that would last through next winter.  and some day i’ll write up the pattern. promise ;)
tiny circles
have i told you how much i love colorwork?  originally i thought i’d make a vest, but realized the only vest i’d be happy with is one that included steeks, and i haven’t done those yet.  so next on my learning agenda – steeks!  so i can make colorwork vests and sweaters into cardigans.  made from all my hand dyed sport weight yarns, of course.  raveled here.